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6082 alloy aluminum plate


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6082 belongs to Al Mg Si alloy aluminum plate, which can be heat treated and strengthened. It has medium strength, good welding performance, and corrosion resistance, and is mainly used in transportation and structural engineering industries. Such as bridges, cranes, roof frames, transport aircraft, transport ships, etc.
Product · Features
6082 is a heat treatable and strengthening alloy with good formability, weldability, machinability, and corrosion resistance. It also has medium strength and can maintain good operability after annealing. It is mainly used in mechanical structures, including bars, plates, pipes, and profiles.
6082 alloy usually has good processing characteristics and excellent anodic reaction performance. Common anodic reaction methods include removing impurities and staining, coating, etc.
The -0 and T4 states of alloy 6082 are suitable for bending and forming situations, while the - T6 state is suitable for good machinability requirements. Some specific processes require the use of chip separators or other special processes to help separate chips; 6082 alloy usually has good processing characteristics and excellent anodic reaction performance; Widely used in mechanical components, forgings, commercial vehicles, railway structural components, shipbuilding, etc.
Product · Parameters
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